Mosquitoes are undeniably one of the most despised creatures in the world. Unlike butterflies, which we always love to see on our gardens, mosquitoes do not encourage the same fondness from us. And the worst thing about them is they get too close for comfort.
Mosquitoes do not only pester us with their annoying buzz, they seem to know just where to do it too. They are probably born smart as well because the females have the habit of stinging us just when we don’t have a free hand to swat at them. Practically everyone wants to eliminate mosquitoes. This is because they don’t serve any known purpose in our everyday lives aside from giving us red bite marks, but they are deadly disease carriers as well.
There are several things you can do to eliminate mosquitoes. Mosquito repellent sprays claim to kill them instantly, but are found to be unhealthy to humans of inhaled. Electronic repellers that emit sounds of high frequency are popular choices of people who are trying to eliminate mosquitoes. These were found out to have helped less, if at all. Some individuals arm themselves with bug zappers. Even if the popping sounds mean that insects came in contact with the electrocuting grids, only a very small percentage are said to be mosquitoes. Repellent lotions and creams do not really eliminate mosquitoes. They just keep hold them back from biting you for a few minutes.
There are myths regarding “natural” means that are said to eliminate mosquitoes. One is allegedly having a crane fly to repel mosquitoes. This is a big misconception. The crane fly does not actually feed on anything, much less a mosquito. Another twisted belief has something to do with Purple Martins as a way to eliminate mosquitoes. These beautiful birds have been so falsely accused of making mosquitoes a large part of their diet. Common belief has it that a single bird can actually consume about 2,000 mosquitoes in one day, and up to 14,000 during the occasions when mosquitoes abound. These birds may feed on mosquitoes if there are swarms of them around, but the birds don’t prefer mosquitoes over other insects like dragonflies.
Read Too : Mosquito Habitats
The most effective way to eliminate mosquitoes is not by using gadgets and devices. All these products claim to be effective but haven’t really showed any proving performance of being able to successfully eliminate mosquitoes.
Perhaps what everyone can do is to eliminate the source of mosquitoes. Making your surroundings free from still waters may discourage any future breeding sites. Keep in mind that a female hatches up to 250 eggs. And unless you want bats and dragonflies to eliminate mosquitoes in your house, acting on the source of the problem should be done right away.